celebrated every second Sunday
of the month at the
5:30pm Mass
We strongly encourage youth to get
involved. Parents please help us
bring our youth into
The Order of the Mass, as Lectors,
Altar Servers, Gift Bearers,
Ushers and Greeters!
YGIF Leaders plan with the youth prior
to each special Sunday Youth Mass of
who and where all would like to serve.
If interested please contact
RE Office 643-3548.
Connect to the Sunday Gospel
God speaks to us in many ways, including through the Sunday Scripture readings.
Loyola Press' "Sunday Connection" provides useful background and activities for all ages to better understand the Sunday's Scripture readings, helping you to connect the Scripture to daily life in a meaningful way.
Follow the link below:
From this link you can also sign up to receive a Weekly Newsletter
of the Sunday Gospel Reading to your email!
Catholic Formation for All Ages Online 24-7!
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by using our parish paid membership.
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"Each of Us is a Masterpiece
of God's Creation"
Take the time to dedicate, celebrate,
work and pray for, the protection of
the gift of human life. Check out great
Respect Life materials here.
Have you made your First Holy Communion? Congratulations!!
You can now become an Altar Server
and help in the Order of the Mass.
Call Parish Office 643-7533 or
RE Office 643-3548 to learn how to start!
Do you need Service Hours?
The Religious Ed Office would love your help
assisting with special and simple projects
that can be done at our parish or at home,
helping in the RE Office, classroom or nursery as well as with VBS in June!
Call (361) 643-3548
Youths Growing in Faith (YGIF)
Who: 6th-8th Grade Students
What: Middle School Youth Group that adds to the traditional RE classes
Where: Religious Education Building, Conference Room
When: Sundays 6:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Why: To awaken our faith in Jesus Christ and to build relationships with one another
* Parents please stay to register your child(ren) and pickup important info.
Also be sure you're on the YGIF contact list so you can be kept up-to-date!
Email Director of RE for news on this year's youth ministry or just show up at the next gathering!
We welcome young adults to serve on our leadership team!
Parents/guardians/family/friends are always welcome
to join us anytime! Donations always greatly appreciated too!
December 11, 2016: YGIF's first year together! Teens go caroling at Trisun Nursing Home.
The following month, they visited The Ark, Assessment and Emergency Shelter for Kids, We invite all teens to come and join the group!