Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church in Portland Texas is among the worshiping communities fortunate to have two histories. One begins with their parish establishment date remembered by modern parishioners and another unfolds decades earlier.
The story starts in 1915 and is recorded in the October edition of the Catholic Extension Society's magazine that year. "The best place for a provisional chapel is a dance hall," writes Father Leonard Cunningham, a Passionist priest who visited Portland to preside at Mass at the dance hall once a month. He also ran a small school out of the building. "It is unnecessary to say that a dance hall is not a fitting place for the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass." A church was built and the community and the congregation both grew.
The parish remembers in prayerful gratitude, its first three pastors; Father Ullrich, Aubry, and Berger, all of whom have gone on to their eternal reward.
The more recent history gives the parish establishment date of 1960 and Father Robert Ullrich the first pastor from 1961 to 1969. A small church (now the hall) and a rectory was (now the Scout building) was built, as well as a hall that doubled as a religious education center.
In more modern times, Father Charles Aubry was the second pastor from 1969 to 1976, he oversaw the need for building of a larger church and expansion of facilities became a necessity.
Under the direction of Father Joseph Berger, the third pastor from 1976 to 1988, a new church and a new rectory were built and the religious education center was expanded.
Father Michael John Vega, the fourth pastor from 1988 to 1997, remodeled and expanded the CCD building and converted the old church into a parish hall. He also purchased additioanal property adjoining the parish hall for future needs of the parish.
Father Piotr Koziel was appointed the sixth pastor in August 19, 2017 to present and was ordained in January 1997. Fr. Piotr says, "I am sorrounded by wonderful people at OLMC, begining with our parish staff and extending to the many wonderful group of volunteers that fill the parish with life.
The parish remembers in prayerful gratitude, its first three pastors; Father Ullrich, Aubry, and Berger, all of whom have gone on to their eternal reward.