Do you need Service Hours?
RE Office would love your help in
in the classroom or nursery, with VBS,
with special and simple in-office or
at-home projects and more!
Please call 643-3548 for info.
Works of Charity can always use your help! Please call the Parish Office today
for info 643-7533.
Incoming 4-12th graders,
Join the new Force...
Learn what’s planned
for serving our parish and
Please call 643-3548 for info.
ALWAYS read the parish bulletin,
download the myparish app,
check out church bulletin board
and view all flyers students
bring home for info & news!
Remember and pray for those less fortunate and do your part to help someone or some situation out every day throughout
the year. Spread charity!
You will bring so much to your
brothers and sisters everywhere.
"Don't be afraid to be Saints!"
- St. John Paul II
"Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ
is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor." - Pope Francis
RE Office offers to continuously receive your loving items and provide them to
our Parish's Works of Charity or other named charities in need.
Please donate toilet paper (constant need),
food, razors, shaving cream, diapers, baby wipes, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, adhesive bandages, dental floss, deodorant,
feminine hygiene products, nail clippers, etc. Items should be
in their original packaging, with any safety fixtures/tabs, still in place.
Donations can be dropped off at the Religious Education Building.
Together we can make a HUGE difference!
Look what happens when we work together...
OCT - NOV: Non-Perishable Food and Can Drive
to support our Works of Charity ministry in serving our local
brothers and sisters in need. Our drive helps stock the shelves and
fill baskets with needed items through the holidays
for those less fortunate! Let's make our
RE Lobby Donation Meter rise higher and higher!
Our top collection was OVER 1500 items! Let's beat it!
DEC - JAN: Jacket and Blanket Drive for those in need
(all sizes, male/female) Let's top our previous RE COLLECTION
of 89 Jackets and 10 Blankets!
JAN: The ARK-Assessment Ctr & Emergency Shelter for Youth
(diaper rash cream, baby wipes and diapers, clothes, toys,
changing table disposable pads and more)
Over 1000 items donated for those in need!
FEB: Students create handmade Valentines for Local Nursing Home
Keeping with a treasured tradition, students make Valentine's for
our neighbors in local nursing home. Community service is a true gift
to all involved! Thank you to our Catholic Daughters for inviting our
children to make these each year for Valentines Day! SO SPECIAL!
FEB: Corpus Christi Hope House for Woman & their Children
(women's shampoos, deodorants, toothpastes, toothbrushes, prenatal vitamins,
baby soaps, baby shampoos, baby lotions, razors, wipes, diaper and more)
Let's top our previous total & donate over 600 items this year!
MAR: Mother Teresa Transitional Housing Facility For Men
(linens, groceries, hygiene and laundry supplies
and kitchen items such as pots and pans. and more)
APRIL: CRS Rice Bowl Collection
(Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency
of the Catholic community in the United States. CRS is motivated by the example
of Jesus Christ to assist poor and suffering people in more than 100 countries
on the basis of need, without regard to race, religion or nationality.
CRS’ programs touch more than 100 million lives.)
Our loving OLMC Youth & Families donated over $700.00!
Way to love, way to share, way to be!
MAY: Collecting Donations for our Catholic Daughters ministry's
Watch for specific details to be posted in parish bulletin.